Hello! It has been quite some time since my last post. As you know, life is full of twists and turns, and our last several years have included many. However, for those who know our story, you know that we have seen how God has moved mountains, parted seas, and provided miracles in our lives. So, through all of it, we have truly tried to keep our focus on Him…

God’s Will, God’s Time, God’s Plan

Since moving back to Indiana, I have felt the call to deepen my relationship with Christ. This started with the decision to go back to school to pursue a Master of Theological Studies degree at the Christian Theological Seminary (www.cts.edu) here in Indianapolis. I started the coursework in January 2023, and hope to complete the coursework and graduate at the end of 2025. I have learned so much and am so grateful for the opportunity.

Beyond my coursework, I have also felt called to get baptized. While I was baptized in the Catholic Church as a baby, I have felt a deep desire to truly go “ALL IN” for Jesus – full immersion. However, I also struggled with that decision as this would not be at the Catholic Church, it will have an impact on my standing as a Catholic, and it will have an impact on my family who question this decision. I will share more about my decision later.

For now, I would like to catch you up on our journey by sharing a project I completed for one of my classes in 2023. For some, these next few posts will just be a refresher. For others, this may be brand new. I hope this provides a small glimpse into our lives and how grateful we are for God’s blessings – through every circumstance.

Please join me on a poetic, reflective journey through my life experiences. Each verse describes moments where God’s presence has been a guiding force, offering peace and strength. As you dive in, consider the closing thoughts and invitation as an opportunity to reflect on your own journey through life.

Let's connect!

Hello! My Name is Jennifer Muszik

I am a blogger, business consultant and executive coach

Read my story