For eight years we had trials, but nothing quite the same.
Having gone through that experience even made COVID seem tame.
We had been through so very much so many highs and lows.
We were not expecting to be dealt another handful of blows.
First came the phone call, this one again for me.
There were some organizational changes that would effect my team.
Being the sole breadwinner of the family comes with a lot of stress.
However, we had already been through this before and passed the test.
So, while this was unexpected, we continued to believe
God had helped us through this before and blessed our family.
While trying to stay focused on God and His great plans for us,
We received another call from Paul’s doctor with results to discuss.
This time the diagnosis was not for me but for my spouse.
It would be the second round of cancer in our house.
While mine was pretty easy, I was cured with surgery.
The recommendation for Paul was more a “wait and see”.
While processing the diagnosis and thinking through what’s next,
A few smaller things occurred that continued to have us perplexed.
With only a few months of insurance to cover the family needs,
Two kids in need braces and one removal of wisdom teeth.
Then came the news about our van, the transmission was to blame,
To the dealership we went to play the car buying game.
We could sit here wondering, “why are we going through this again?”
“Didn’t we go through enough and learn our lesson back then?”
But we know God doesn’t say Christian life will be easy.
However, He does let us know that He is with us, and He will always be.
We have been through many other trials, more details I will provide.
The only way we made it through is with God as our guide.
When Paul was sick the first time, I had a dear friend whose husband had recently overcome a somewhat similar situation. She said something like, “what I went through was really tough and I would never wish it on anyone. This is one group I do not want my friends to join. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am here to help.” She was so helpful in that trial, and that trial has been so helpful in this one. We have seen the ways that God has provided. We have seen our humanness of making plans and God showing up in greater ways than we could ever imagine. So, we bring our prayers and petitions to God, trust He hears us, and know His plans are greater than anything we could imagine.
Where do you find yourself today?
If you are experiencing a difficult time, have you been here before? If so, is there anything you can look to from your prior situation to see how God provided in that previous circumstance?
If this is your first time experiencing this particular difficulty, is there someone who has gone through something similar who can help?
When we go through difficult times, we truly don’t wish the hardship on anyone else. When some may unfortunately find themselves in a similar boat, it is a true blessing to help them. We are made to be in communion with God and others. Spend time with God. Bring Him your prayers and petitions and trust that He hears you.
Ask Him to bring to mind someone who can help you in this time of need. Remember, no mind can imagine what God has prepared for each of us who love Him.
Reflection Song:
Kari Jobe, “I Am Not Alone”: