A road leading to mountains

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A sunset over a mountain range

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Some asked for an example, if I was willing to share more

About a current situation or something from before.

That would allow more insight to help them better see

How I put my faith in God and trust His plans for me.

I have a current experience with the outcome still unclear.

It started during COVID when the end was nowhere near.

Prior to the pandemic back in 2019,

I started a new job in Boston meaning relocation for my family.

We packed our bags and packed the truck saying goodbye to family and friends.

While excited about the adventure, we were sad to not return to Indiana again.

So, there we were in Boston, making the best of all we had.

I could see in my family’s faces; they were all still a little sad.

Then nothing we could have imagined came upon our shores.

A global pandemic and we all needed to stay indoors.

For months I worked from my home office and at the end of every day

I would walk out to see the ones I love depressed in every way.

While I knew it would be difficult and with it a great risk,

But it was something I had to do and it could not be dismissed.

I asked to move my role remote for in Boston we could not stay.

My family needed to move back home, to Indiana, without delay.

My leader said she would approve but one more thing to know

This would make it difficult for my career to grow.

I thanked her for her approval and let her know I understood.

I needed to make this move for my family’s good.

So back to Indiana we went and were met with love and cheers.

And here we have been happily living for the past three years.

If you have read the previous poems, you know what happened all the same.

An organizational downsizing and no new role assigned to my name.

So I find myself now searching for a new role or opportunity

To do meaningful work and support my family.

While some days have been stressful and there have been highs and lows;

I do not for one single second question the option I chose.

It was not just my choosing, it was God’s plan I believe

Because of the many mountains he moved to make this a reality.

We sold our Boston home in days for more than what we had spent.

We quickly needed to find a place to buy or maybe just to rent.

Back to Indiana, no homes that we could see

Were worth the price of ownership or fit our family.

But just then it happened much to our surprise.

A new home was being built at the right price and the right size.

What will we do now while we wait for our home to be complete?

Where will we stay, where will we live, where will we sleep?

Again, we saw God’s hand moving in mysterious ways.

A rental home would be available within the coming days.

It was a perfect fit for us but one thing to overcome;

It was a different school from where our kids had grown and loved.

A call into the counselor to seek what she could do.

Yet another time when God helped to see this through.

As long as we could drive them, they were welcome back to their schools

Since we would be in our new home soon it was within the rules.

With tears in my eyes and head in my hands I thanked our God above

For all of His provision and for His unending love.

So what about my job you ask, well that is still unclear.

But God has always provided and He is always near.

I pray for Him to show me the path to fulfill His plan

And to see the continued working of His most Heavenly Hand.


While we find ourselves again in yet another test, I do hope you can see how this is also part of our testimony to the Greatness of our God.  While I knew we needed to move back to Indiana, we couldn’t make any plans.  There were so many unknowns and no way to plan until each step in the process was determined – when the house would sell, where we would live, how to get the kids back in their former schools, etc.  When others would ask about decisions three to four steps ahead, we would let them know that we truly didn’t know.   When it was time to make that decision, we would make it.  So, while I don’t know what is next for me in my career, I do know that God has great plans.  Some doors will open, and others will close.  I believe God is behind all of it, making it work so that I will make the choice that best suits His plans for my life.  And, if I choose something different, He will make the best of that decision, too.


Have you experienced something similar in your past or in your current circumstances – a time when you couldn’t plan for the future but instead just one step at a time?  

If this happened to you previously, what did that feel like?  Were you able to give up the control to God?  

If you are going through this now, what would it look and feel like to give the decisions to God?  If you did the last exercise, hopefully there were some new perspectives gained and ways you saw God move in the past.  How does that knowledge help you see your uncertain circumstance?

Reflection Song:

Tauren Wells, “Hills and Valleys”:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iDuZv_5MQk 

Let's connect!

Hello! My Name is Jennifer Muszik

I am a blogger, business consultant and executive coach

Read my story